What is stopping climate action in Thailand?

narongdet chuanchuenchom
2 min readNov 10, 2021


It is a challenging question; how to stop climate change? However, there are many movements to protect the environment in Thailand and globally.

Stopping climate change begins with ourselves. It does not matter who you are. I think, it is the duty of everyone in society.

Human behavior is the fundamental to climate action. Many foreigners know the law in Thailand, it is the weakness of Thai people that is a problem. The laws in Thailand are weak. To create movement for climate change in Thai society, If the law is strong, the people will respect, not fear, the value of the laws.

One researcher says, “Thai people know how to follow the law and commandants but they do not it”. That means they know the law but they are lazy in improving themselves. Thai society is quite independent and quite flexible. If we can improve the law, we can get rid of this weakness in Thai society.

However, it depends on the policy in Thai society. In the same way, the new generation in Thai society, they aware of this issue as it affects human lives.

If the movement for the climate action in Thailand does not work, there are still many methods for promoting it. For instance, the Thai government should announce all schools in Thailand should separate the trash. This action could be the first virtue which can help the students learn how they can take care of the earth that they live on.

Meanwhile, advertisements can support the policy that I’ve mentioned above as many people use the media. It is a virus and many people can learn how to help the planet using it.



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