Yours’s happiness is our happiness.

narongdet chuanchuenchom
3 min readDec 29, 2021


“Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.” Brian Tracy

We have knew how to share and love. It does not matter who you are. Just be the best human being that the perfect gift. Society in the present needs people who recognize how to sacrifice their time for others as much as possible as they can do it.

We could start to share the small things such as when you meet someone or yours’s friends, you just be smiling at them. It is a great activity that we should do it.
There are many times that we have forgotten about these activities. We try to avoid saying love to each other as we are shy to show love to our beloved.

The Gospel always be the best example for us therefore we have to be a good example for each other. There are many poor people and people who need help. We should wake up from our comfort zone. Encouraging should be the policy that can remind us.

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” H. Jackson Brown Jr.



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